Lent is the Church’s period of preparation for celebrating the mystery of our redemption. Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter – Passion and Resurrection – are the proclamation and celebration of this mystery. Please plan to spend these 40 days of penitential preparation practicing the disciplines of Lent here at St. Timothy.
Ash Wednesday
Lent arrives late this year with Ash Wednesday on March 6 and Easter on April 21 (remember last year when Ash Wednesday fell on Valentine’s Day and Easter on April Fools’ Day?). Early or late, Lent arrives, and with it the traditions and observances to which we’ve become accustomed. On Ash Wednesday we’ll worship twice: our spoken liturgy takes place at noon, and our sung service at 7:30 pm. Both liturgies begin with an order of corporate confession, followed by the imposition of ashes. Holy Communion is also offered at both services. Ash Wednesday is an important observance for the Christian. We acknowledge the limits of our humanity, by confessing our short-comings and wearing a sign of our penitence. Everyone is encouraged to join us on March 6.
Soup and Study
Beginning on Wednesday, March 13, and continuing for the next four weeks, we’ll gather for a simply meal at 6:00 pm and continue with prayer and study at 7:00 pm. Our study this year will be of favorite hymns. Since Christmas there has been a sheet on the Happenings Bulletin Board asking our members to list their favorite hymns. These, along with several others, will be the focus of this year’s Wednesday studies. We’ll have a chance to sing a verse of two of each, followed by examinations of each hymn’s history, author and/or composer, biblical citations contained within the hymn, as well as personal reflections upon its meaning.
As always, everyone is invited to join us for these evenings of food, fellowship, prayer and learning. We rely on participants to provide soup, bread, and dessert; we also look for volunteers to set up and clean up. Please sign up on the Happenings Bulletin Board.
First Communion
This year’s fourth and fifth grade Sunday School class will be preparing to receive the Blessed Sacrament on the Sundays in Lent. The first day of instruction will be starting at 9:00 am in the yellow Sunday School room (across from the secretary’s office). Mr. Rich Wantula will teach, with my occasional assistance. Students who successfully complete instruction will receive the sacrament for the first time on Sunday, April 7, at the 10:30 service. All 4th and 5th graders are encouraged to participate.
In Jesus’ name,
Pastor Robert M. Mountenay