There are so many ways to share our Faith in Action in ministry in and around our community. Please take a moment to read about the ministries offered at St. Timothy and consider where you might offer your gifts.

To volunteer your time to support St. Timothy, learn more here.

Angel Gifts

Every year during Advent the members of St. Timothy purchase gifts for children affiliated with the Center for Family Resources, home of the upper Passaic County Head Start Program. Each donor picks a child’s name, purchases and wraps a gift of clothing, and places it under the Jesse Tree. The gifts are delivered in time for Christmas.

Bosnia Servant Trip

Since 2004, St Timothy has been an active participant in a ministry of the New Jersey Synod, ELCA, striving to build peace in Bosnia-Herzegovina through the wonderful children of this beautiful country. Each year in June the New Jersey Synod sends a Travel Team to Bosnia-Herzegovina, loaded up with supplies and prayers from our Home Team. Together with our Bosnian friends and partners, we hold Camp New Hope and Friendship Camps in schools and communities around the country. Along the way we build relationships, explore peace and reconciliation, and serve shoulder-to-shoulder with friends from all ethnic and religious backgrounds.

The ministry’s mission, to bring together Muslim and Christian children in a country recovering from war, where the divisions were often along ethnic and religious lines. We intentionally work with children and adults from all the ethnic and religious groups; with some we even visit each others places of worship!

Each year St Timothy prepares gifts and provides financial support for the camps. Several congregation members have also been part of the travel team with support from St Timothy. You can learn more at the synod’s website:

Heart ’n Hands Mission

Heart ‘n Hands Mission is an outreach ministry of St. Timothy Lutheran Church. Our mission is to collect and provide clothing and other necessities to the homeless and working poor of northeastern New Jersey and to raise awareness of their plight in this area and beyond. Like us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram!

Knitters and Crocheters

Knitters and crocheters from St. Timothy and the Wayne community join monthly to make prayer shawls, chemo caps, and other projects as needed. The group meets the third Tuesday of the month at 1 pm.

Monday Morning Crew and Gardeners

The Monday Morning Crew is a group of retired men who meet every Monday morning at 9 a.m. volunteering their time to do tasks around the church such as carpentry, painting, plumbing, electrical, masonry, cutting grass, etc. They also arrange tables and chairs for many events which take place in Fellowship Hall.

You don’t need a green thumb to join in the Monday Morning Gardening Group of men and women who volunteer their time to maintain the gardens and grounds at the church.

North Jersey Interfaith Cares (NJIC)

St Timothy is a participating congregation of North Jersey Interfaith Cares whose mission is to provide compassionate relief to children and their families that have been uprooted from their homes or face the threat of homelessness. Our goal is show care and humanize the process of giving assistance through restoring dignity and respect to children and families while they work toward independence and self-sufficiency.

Our most recent efforts have focused on assisting Syrian refugee families resettled in our area, providing clothing, household items and financial assistance and volunteering time tutoring them in English.

Boy Scout Troop 107

Troop 107 of Wayne, NJ, is chartered by St. Timothy Lutheran Church.  We are a non-denomination boy-led Troop made up of Patrols that work together to provide opportunities for advancement, leadership, fun, outdoor adventure and developing life long skills.

Learn more about our Troop on our website or on our Facebook page .

Wayne Clergy Fellowship

The Wayne Clergy Fellowship is an interfaith gathering of clergy who meet monthly to offer mutual support to one another and our faith communities. The WCF currently consists of Jewish, Roman Catholic, and Protestant religious leaders but offers membership to clergy of other faiths. While interfaith dialogue is central to Wayne Clergy Fellowship’s existence, the group also addresses various issues within the Wayne community and holds an annual Interfaith Thanksgiving Service.

Wayne Interfaith Network

Help the Wayne Interfaith Network Food Pantry through your gifts of food (canned or boxed), paper and personal products, gift cards, and gifts of cash. Each year we gather on the Sunday prior to Thanksgiving to prepare baskets that are distributed to residents in Wayne who rely on WIN for food and other necessities.

Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (WELCA)

St. Timothy WELCA sponsors many service events throughout the year for men and women of our congregation to be involved in, including:

  • Christmas at Sea – a collection of scarves, hats, sweatshirts, t-shirts and sweet treats for seafarers far from home.*
  • Hymn Sing at the Atrium provides an opportunity to sing favorite hymns with residents of the Atrium on the 4th Tuesday of the month at 10:15 a.m. A love of hymns and people are all that is required. Singers meet at the Atrium.
  • Valentine “Care Packages” to our college students and those in the military.*

*As dates fluctuate, please check the St. Timothy Facebook page for dates and time.

WELCA also has four circles:

  • Angel Circle meets the second and fourth Tuesday of the month at noon. One may cut, pin, or sew quilts that are given to charities and our shut-ins.
  • Miriam Circle meets on the first Wednesday of the month at noon. In addition to fellowship, they enjoy lively Bible studies.
  • Social Issues Circle meets on the first Tuesday of the month at 7:00 PM. They discuss how our faith impacts important social issues of our world.
  • Bookworms meet on the second Saturday of the month at 9:30 AM at Barns & Noble in Woodland Park. A discussion and understanding of current books is their passion.

Learn more about WELCA at


Adult Book Discussion Group

This group meets on the third Tuesday of the month at 10:30 a.m. in the parlor for a lively book discussion. The books usually have a theological component.

Chair Yoga

Chair Yoga meets every Tuesday at 11:30 a.m. There is a fee of $30 per month for the outside instructor. While yoga is not religious, it can help build a spiritual awareness and create feelings of balance and clarity. Chair yoga involves moving through a sequence of poses which are often paired with breath to create mind/body awareness. Participants are encouraged to modify movements and take breaks as needed, encouraging self-care.

Prime Timers

Our Prime Timers ministry provides opportunities for senior adults (50+) to connect with one another and grow together in Christ. We meet the first Wednesday of each month from 11 am – 1 pm. Our monthly gatherings often host a presenter on topics ranging from health to music to housing choices as well as educational and culinary field trips and an annual BBQ.

Mission Partners

The Wayne Clergy Fellowship is an interfaith gathering of clergy who meet monthly to offer mutual support to one another and our faith communities. The WCF currently consists of Jewish, Roman Catholic, and Protestant religious leaders but offers membership to clergy of other faiths. While interfaith dialogue is central to Wayne Clergy Fellowship’s existence, the group also addresses various issues within the Wayne community and holds an annual Interfaith Thanksgiving Service.

We actively support the global efforts of Lutheran World Relief and the ELCA Hunger Appeal through our financial support.

Additionally, the congregation supports AA, Al Anon, and Head Start by providing space for meetings.